The Divine Olma
The great guardian of all Ashigos
(Ashigoian Form ) Olma/Olmarine/Alma/Almarine

Thousands of years ago the skies of Azailia were empty. There was no moon yet, there were no stars in the sky, as they would come when Clesetion would make his journey. Azailia was trapped in an eternal night, predators stalked in the shadows and ashigos lived in an everlasting fear. Until one night, a beam of light came across the sky. None that ashigos had ever seen before, it crashed down on Azailia. The ashigo's frightened but still curious went to investigate, and what they found was a being of light.
It was fascinated by Ashigos, it watched them as they built their shelters, gather their food and how they shared everything they had with each other. How they reacted in times of hardship, how the strong would face the predators head-on just if it meant the others had time to get away. How the sick and old were cared for unlike the other like any other species it had seen.
The idea of staying on Azailia became a strong desire for the creature, and one day they decided they would and that they would become the guardian of ashigos. They saved Ashigos from preadtors, they made the plants grow more food for them and cured illnesses in the sick. They became known as Olma to ashigos, with different subspecies having different names for them.
Throughout the next thousands of years they would make appearances and give guidance to ashigos, they protected them when the mass extinction event happened. They gave them protection to allow them to reach their true potential as they began to build villages and communities. Olma was happy with this lifestyle, they felt like they had a true purpose to their existence instead of endlessly drifting through space. However, every time they helped an ashigo it drained their power, and they realised a time would come where they need to recharge their it, a time where they would need to sleep for possibly thousands of years. They didn't want to leave ashigos alone though, so Olma took on an apprentice named Farronis. They gave him a piece of their power, it wouldn't run out unlike theirs, instead, they would have to train to fully utilise it and understand how it worked. However their trust in Farronis was a bad decision that they didn't see coming, he did not care for ashigos like they did. Instead of protecting ashigos he used his gift to manipulate, torture and make the lives of living ashigos a living nightmare.
When Olma found out about his actions, they confronted them. This did not end well, Olma was almost out of power, and when they cursed him to be a horrible monster, to show what he really was they fell into a deep slumber. Farronis was full of rage and began his rampage across Azailia.
It wasn't until after Farronis was killed by Valentinoes that shooting stars began to appear once a year.
Every year just as the warm season changes to cold, shooting stars appear in the sky. This is known as the Shooting Star Festival, it is believed that the shooting stars are sent by Olma as a way to let ashigos know that they are still watching over them in their slumber. This festival is celebrated in hopes of Olma's return! Ashigos typically eat Majo berries and sleep under the stars for the night.

( Light form )